For questions or additional information, contact the City of Cold Lake Finance department at 780-594-4494. As a designated community, the City of Cold Lake is positioned to provide an important pathway between eligible local businesses with eligible job openings, and qualified newcomers. 00 Fail to properly store, remove or dispose of waste, recycling, organic materials, animal waste, biomedical waste, building waste, hazardous waste, industrial waste, vehicle waste or non-collectible materialOur City is served by the Cold Lake RCMP detachment, Cold Lake Fire-Rescue, Cold Lake Municipal Enforcement and Cold Lake Ambulance Society. City launches new and improved website. Cold Lake is a city that offers a wealth of excitement, adventure and entertainment in any season. Use the slider to see the before and after views. Cold Lake, AB – Cold Lake City Council unanimously passed a motion to voice the City’s concerns over the U. Standard Adult Plot Up to one (1) full burial (casket) prior to six (6) cremated remainsBuilding permits are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, but must be reviewed and approved or refused within 15 days of receipt of the completed application. Cold Lake Amateur Radio Society: 780-594-0586 780-813-1660 : Cold Lake Cloggers : [email protected]. m. 011-AD-97, Adding Unpaid Utility Accounts to Tax Accounts. Building a Caring Culture in Cold Lake FCSS has developed a community character project and each month students in the schools will learn and explore different virtues based on The Virtues Project. m, in Council Chambers at Cold Lake City Hall. or emailed to [email protected] incentive on the posted fuel flowage rate. They promote youth activism and civic engagement. Cold Lake is a city that offers a wealth of excitement, adventure and entertainment in any season. " (Make sure to include your business license number if you are paying for a renewal. the purchase of an additional low-floor transit bus with a wheel chair lift to provide adaptive transit service in the City of Cold Lake. 2023 Budget DocumentsThe Citizen Self Service tools allow residents and business owners to view information about their tax and utility accounts, business licences, tax certificates, and public tax roll information online. Cold Lake. If you have recently purchased a property in Cold Lake since March 2023, it is likely the property owner information has not been. The park also boasts 6 soccer fields, a rugby pitch, 8 ball diamonds, 8 pickleball courts, an off-leash dog park, and the Cold Lake Skatepark. com. com. Make sure to include your utility account number to ensure proper allocation of payment. For questions about safety code permits, call Planning & Development at 780-594-4494. Relieve your aches and pains. Aqua Days; Canada Day; Cold Lake Air Show; Great Cold Lake Turkey Race; Santa Claus Parade; Snow Fever; View full Play Menu Community CalendarCity of Cold Lake 5513 48th Ave. The department consists of Cold Lake Fire-Rescue, Municipal Enforcement and Emergency Management. Cold Lake, AB – Future Cold Lake City Council and council committee meetings will begin with an Indigenous land acknowledgement read aloud, after council voted to amend its procedure bylaw to include the. Check out the various categories of general news, and emergency notifications. Cold Lake Provincial Park. Treated water is also supplied to Cold Lake First Nations, the M. m. It ensures Animal Care and Control staff are able to identify your pet and contact you to come pick. Click below to learn more. He was first elected to City Council in 2010 and is serving in his fourth term, having been re-elected in 2013, 2017 and 2021. Over the course of a five-year period, from 2016 to early 2021, the city worked to install wireless communication meters on all existing residential and. For general inquiries email [email protected] official YouTube account of the City of Cold Lake. To report a parking complaint or any other bylaw infraction, use the Report an Issue submission form or call Cold Lake Municipal Enforcement dispatch at 780-594-1345. D. The group has mobilized the site for building which they are working to commission as a shelter program. Cold Lake, AB – Residents can soon get help with the Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP), after council approved administration to begin preparing a bylaw for the program. The Cold Lake and District FCSS Special Project Grant Program offers organizations the following funding opportunity: Up to $2,000 same-year funding; Project completion December 31st of the application year; Grant Toolkit and Application Forms. 5km, and is a popular destination for nature lovers, bird watchers and campers during the warmer months. Cold Lake and District FCSS 2020-08-18 77. Cold Lake and District FCSS offers a variety of supports and programs for adults, covering a range of topics. Toggle Section. Our hospital and 24/7 emergency department is the Cold Lake Healthcare Centre, located at 314 25 Street in Cold Lake North. The City of Cold Lake is proud to be a designated community under the Rural Renewal Stream of the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP). Users will notice the site has been redesigned from top to bottom, with. 5513 - 48 Avenue. The Cree called the lake “Kinosoo” or “big fish” after a Cree legend. Cold Lake, AB T9M 1A1. Submissions become property of Cold Lake and District FCSS and may be used for promotional purposes. The City of Cold Lake is responsible for the maintenance of more than 150 kilometres of roadway and that number continues to increase every year as new subdivisions, access roads and commercial areas are built. Many open houses include slide show presentations, maps, charts or videos. If your pet gets lost or is found running at large, a valid pet licence and collar tag is their ticket home. We will have on-site supervisors, but we require parental supervision at all times at the Bouncy House Fun Day. Date posted. ) Class (based on 8 sessions) 30 minute 45 minute 1 hour; All Classes (Energy Centre members)The Citizen Self Service tools allow residents and business owners to view information about their tax and utility accounts, business licences, tax certificates, and public tax roll information online. This is Cold Lake’s fourth time receiving the award, competing against other Canadian municipalities with a population under 25,000. Event Details: Cold Lake's annual City-Wide Sale is back! Check out hundreds of garage sales, sidewalk sales and yard sales all in one weekend!In his City Council role, Ryan wants to improve the city for all residents and ensure everyone in Cold Lake is represented in Council Chambers. English Bay. Those presentations are posted here. The City of Cold Lake has a rich history, from the First Nation and Métis cultures to the settlers and their families who made their lives in northeast Alberta. Cold Lake, AB - The Canadian Public Works Association (CPWA) has selected Cold Lake as the winner of the CPWA 2022 Nation Public Works Week (NPWW) award. City Hall. Fostering a positive environment, friendship building and good sportsmanship, register your six-player, mixed team for a chance to win the Bully Buster’s Champi. This form is used to report non-emergency issues to the City of Cold Lake. For more information about criminal record checks and the application process, contact Cold Lake RCMP at 780-594-3302. The Finance Department oversees the budget process, preparation of financial documents and taxation within the City of Cold Lake. 790-LU-23: To Amend the City of Cold Lake Land Use Bylaw (766-LU-23)Cold Lake and District FCSS and Cold Lake Family Connections is pleased to present National Family Week from October 2-8th, 2023! Since 1985, during the first week of October, Canadians across the country come together for local festivities celebrating National Family Week. There will be no charge for 2023 Cold Lake pet licences as the City transitions to operating the municipal animal control services out of the new Animal Care and Control Centre, located at 5022 62 Street in Cold Lake South, but owners will. Building #9 is a sanitary sewer lift station located at 4760-54 Avenue and is considered one of the most important pieces of infrastructure in Cold Lake’s entire wastewater collection system. Fares must be paid using a pre-purchased punch card. Open year round. Imperial Oil Place Arena and Arena 2 at the Energy Centre feature NHL-size ice surfaces, spectator seating and dressing room access. The City of Cold Lake serves approximately 15,000 residents and is committed to delivering high-quality services to our community. ) Mail to: City of Cold Lake 5513-48 Avenue Cold Lake, AB T9M-1A1; Online banking, using "City of Cold Lake" as the. The Great Cold Lake Turkey Race takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas and after doing a few jumping jacks and hammy stretches, Ruffles takes off on a grueling race to collect enough donations to purchase 400 turkeys for local families in need during the holiday season. Please note, submissions containing inappropriate or profane language will be. The Cold Lake Golf & Winter Club is an all-seasons recreational facility located at 4 Wing Cold Lake and operated by the City. of Bonnyville, and the Town of Bonnyville through an agreement between the Cold Lake Regional Utility Services Commission (RUSC) and the. Both routes (Routes 1 and 2) begin at the Tri-City Mall Transit Station. The detachment is located at 4710-55 Street in Cold Lake South. General inquiries may be directed to City Hall reception: Phone: 780-594-4494; Email: [email protected]; Name Phone Email; Cold Lake Regional Airport: 780-594-4496 : Cold Lake Transit: 780-639-4455 : Cold Shot Bus Service: 587-557-7719: [email protected]. Hugging the southern shores of Alberta’s seventh largest lake, this recreational. wins. The City of Cold Lake serves approximately 15,000 residents and is committed to delivering high-quality services to our community. City of Cold Lake website. Although preparedness should be a year-round focus, Emergency Preparedness Week is a unique opportunity to strengthen the call to action to become more prepared. Bouncy House Fun Day: Ages 0-12. Cold Lake received the honour. Local rate applies to residents, owners of businesses with the city of Cold Lake, and Cold Lake Regional Airport leaseholders. Cold Lake Mayor Craig Copeland and Councillor Bill Parker attended the event to bid on cattle raised by members of the Ardmore 4H Beef Club. In 1980, the Historical Society of Cold Lake and District published a hardcover book of the recollections and stories of these settlers called, Treasured Scales of the Kinosoo. 8 MB. For more information, call us at 780-594-4495. If you are a business licence holder in the city of Cold Lake, but do not see your business listed on the directory, contact the Planning & Development department at 780-594-4494 or [email protected] City of Cold Lake's Economic Development Strategy was spearheaded by the Cold Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee. Here you will find the statements for the most recent year and years passed. 101 Spruce Street Legal: Lot 23, Block 2, Plan 9621902. The City maintains a permanent record of all interments into its cemeteries. For more information call 780-594-6259. The City of Cold Lake's Marketing & Communications department informs the public and the organization about the City's activities, programs, policies and initiatives. The Animal Care and Control bylaw is enforced by Cold Lake Municipal Enforcement. It ensures Animal Care and Control staff are able to identify your pet and contact you to come pick. Once each livestream has finished, a video of the meeting is uploaded and available for viewing on the page for a minimum of three months. Our Animal Care and Control bylaw regulates pet ownership in the City and the responsibilities of pet owners. ca: Cold Lake Food Bank: 780-201-6589: [email protected] support helped raise over 282KG of food and over $450 in cash for the Cold Lake Food Bank, helped Public Works round up over 1100KG of toxic waste, plus we thank all the volunteers who came out for Community Clean-up Day. Notice of Public Hearing. Nelson Heights. Cold Lake Fire-Rescue serves the City of Cold Lake and Cold Lake First Nations, along with a large portion of the Municipal District of Bonnyville, Elizabeth Metis Settlement and part of the Rural Municipality of Beaver River, Saskatchewan. 4 Wing Cold Lake; Animal Care and Control; Celebrations and Events; Cemeteries; Citizen Self Service; Community Calendar; Community Groups and Contacts; Family and Community Support Services; Library; Maps and GIS; Moving to Cold Lake; Municipal Enforcement; Protective Services; Roads;The City of Cold Lake operates and maintains an intricate network of water and wastewater utilities to serve the residents of Cold Lake. Tuesday, May 24, 2022 9:00 a. The 2022 event was a huge success with over 27,000 fans taking in the show. Nestled on the shore of Alberta's seventh largest lake, a three hour drive north east of Edmonton and 20 minutes west of the Saskatchewan border, Cold Lake is home to over 15,000 residents. Bear Park; Birch Park; Colonel JJ Parr Sports Centre Site; Dogwood Park; Elm Park; Evergreen ParkThe Cold Lake Regional Transfer Station accepts electronic waste or “E-Waste” from residential customers, including small appliances, audio-visual equipment, power and air tools, games, toys and musical equipment. Live. Registration is now open for the Cold Lake Fishing Derby June 17-18, 2023. Any unpaid balance will then be subject to penalties. Online banking:The City of Cold Lake operates two cemeteries, Lakeview Cemetery and Grand Centre Memorial Park Cemetery. See the budget documents below for information on the City of Cold Lake's current, and past budgets. The Regional Airport is located approximately 4 kilometres west of the city of Cold Lake and 7 kilometres north of CFB 4 Wing Cold Lake, at 63407 Range Road 425, M. Get In Touch. The city of Cold Lake is located on a lake of the same name, 290 km northeast of Edmonton. Seniors or any adult going through illness, recent hospitalization or disability can apply for this program. European settlers named the lake for its deep, cold water. The annual Capital Road Improvement Program repairs and extends the life of asphalt on roads deemed to be high-priority areas, as determined by. The 2022 Municipal Census results can be found here. Live. com; Fax: 780-594-3480; City Hall is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a. Jolly old Saint Nick was very pleased at the 2022 turnout and especially the crowds that came out to wave and say hi. Snow removal priority. Deposit any type of waste on any city road or property except at acceptable placement locations for eligible premises $250. There's no cost to ride and no registration or membership required. 4 Wing Cold Lake; Animal Care and Control; Celebrations and EventsCouncillor Chris Vining has called Cold Lake home since 1998. Download the Temporary Road Closure application. The City of Cold Lake also dedicated city-owned land at 4710 40 Avenue for the Cold Lake Native Friendship Centre to rebuild its Kokum’s House shelter program. City of Cold Lake Policies. com. Over 85% of Cold Lake households completed their census survey! Thank you to all those who helped us gather this important data. Take a live look at the Cold Lake Marina and Kinosoo Beach, and see what makes our city a four-seasons playground and tourism destination. After an intense workout, many athletes will take a cold plunge to help them recover. North Shore Vista . The mill rates charged against the value of property in Cold Lake are passed by City Council each year in the Tax Rate Bylaw. Cold Lake, Alberta, incorporated as a city in 2000, population 15, 661 (2021 census), 14,976 (2016 census). net : Cold Lake John Howard Society: 780-594-1420: [email protected]. Online banking: Search for "City of Cold Lake" and add it as a payee in your online banking to make your property tax payments online. Sign up to receive information from the City of Cold Lake directly to your inbox. If you are a business licence holder in the city of Cold Lake, but do not see your business listed on the directory, contact the Planning & Development department at 780-594-4494 or [email protected]. The City operates two recycling drop-off locations, which accept cardboard, mixed. 10am - Canada Day Parade Parade starts at the north fire hall and continues along Lakeshore Drive to 2 Ave. Come out and enjoy some easter activities! The Easter Bunny will be here for photos, Crafts, Sparkle Tattoos, Balloon animals, Bounce houses, egg decorating and more. Learn more about our Protective Services departments. Live. The last election was held October 18, 2021. Contact Us. The tax rates for the current year are determined each spring and are posted below. Bylaw Officers enforce City of Cold Lake municipal bylaws, while Peace Officers have additional authority to enforce. 13,529 likes · 517 talking about this · 7,242 were here. Cold Lake Provincial Park’s day-use area also has a sandy beach with a nearby playground and fire pits. 7914; Email: [email protected]. D. Chris originally ran for council to ensure a great community for his two kids to grow up in, along with their grandparents as they move into retirement. In the event of a livestreaming technical. 011-AD-97, Adding Unpaid Utility. Councillor Bill Parker has called Cold Lake home since 1992 and was first elected to City Council in 2021. D. Contest open May 1 and closes at 4:00 pm on May 31, 2023. The Cold Lake Marina and boat launch is the gateway to what many call the "best lake in Alberta. PasswordCold Lake has the distinction of being one of the best fishing lakes in two provinces – and with a surface area of over 92,000 acres and a maximum depth of 100 metres, this is not a lake to miss. City of Cold Lake. Frequently requested City of Cold Lake policies have been organized by subject area as follows: Administrative. 6 sheets of regulation-size curling ice; Fully-stocked pro shop; Full-service restaurant and lounge; Tournament. 2 MB. By mail: Cheque or money orders payable to "City of Cold Lake" can be mailed to: 5513-48 Avenue Cold Lake, AB T9M-1A1. The first museum of the group is the Cold Lake Air Force Museum. August 3, 2023. m. NEWS RELEASE January 27, 2021 For immediate release. CLATS is a service of the City of Cold Lake, and the cost of operating the service is offset by fares collected from users. com. Craig and Kevin are often joined by members of City Council and staff from various City departments who can. By vehicle, it is accessible from Highway 55, Highway 897 and from 1st Avenue in Cold Lake North. The Cold Lake John Howard Society’s application was the sole application received by the October 1 deadline for the 2022. He then worked as a small business owner, retiring in 2014. The City of Cold Lake hosts a number of open houses throughout the year, to share information and gather feedback on projects or issues. to 4:30 p. Therefore, if a use is not specifically exempted, it requires a development permit. Online banking: Search for "City of Cold Lake" and add it as a payee in your online banking to make your property tax payments online. Subdivision Locations Map. Government & Public Administration. m. Cold Lake, AB – Council added $485,000 to the 2023 Capital Budget to facilitate eight projects that are responses to emerging trends, or projects that require top. We also work in close partnership with Cold Lake Ambulance Society and Cold Lake RCMP. Date of hearing. 2022. Frequently requested City of Cold Lake policies have been organized by subject area as follows: Administrative. Please choose from the options below, explain the nature of the issue and provide as many details as possible. It does list the uses that do NOT require a development permit (see section 3. Property owners may cancel their participation in the TIPPS program at any time by providing at least 10 (ten) business days notice before the next scheduled.